Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Legacy Begins As A Problem Occurs

Generation 1.1

Otaku: “Alright! Let’s get this started!”

Oh-kay then.

What’s up everybody!? Allow me to introduce you to my fabtastic That Anime Legacy founder, Otaku Anime! Her equally awesome traits are: Good Sense of Humour, Virtuoso, Natural Cook, Artistic and Nurturing. Her star sign is Scorpio and her favourites are Indie music, Pancakes and the colour Hot Pink. Her lifelong wish is to be a Rock Star.


This… should be a fun legacy.

So, to start off Otaku’s lifetime wish, she grabbed a job at the theatre in music as a Fan.

Otaku: “Aww man, how am I gonna go from a fan to a rock star?”

Patience and skill. Oh, and let’s not forget the good ol’ connexions. This will be a journey that I will not leave you with!

Otaku: “Creator, you rock! *sparkly eyes*”

*blushing* Aww, shucks.

However, this is a legacy, and to be a legacy, you need to have children who will become heirs and spares.

Otaku: “How many children?”

Just three, m’dear.

Otaku: “Aww man.”

Anyway, back to subject, go introduce yourself to Mr. Stiles.

Otaku: “He’s my boss.”

I actually don’t care, Otaku. Now go!

Fortunately, Cyc0n3 Sw0rd arrived home at that exact moment. Great news, Otaku, you won’t need to marry your boss after all!


I swear I don’t see Excitable in your traits.

He’s single. Go for it.

After a few minutes of flirting, they kissed.

This has good signs. But it’s late now, but you’ve got to go home because you have work tomorrow.

Say bye!

Otaku: “Bye Cycl0n3!”

Otaku: “Hey, Creator, didja hear? I got a promotion today!”

I’m aware, congrats Otaku.

Otaku: “Only 8 more promotions!”

We need heirs Otaku!

Otaku: “Okay, fine. Fine. Cycl0n3, will you marry me?”

Cyl0n3: “Uh, no, babe. I’m just not ready for that yet.”


Otaku: “I got another promotion!”

So you did! Well done. Now go propose to Cyl0n3 again.

This time, he said yes.

And then they had private wedding in his home.

And Cyl0n3 Sw0rd became Cyl0n3 Anime.

And here is Mr. Cycl0n3 after a makeover. Lookin’ sharp there!

His traits are: Absent-minded, Couch Potato, Inappropriate, Genius and Computer Whiz. His star sign is Aries and his favourite music is Electronica, food is Mac & Cheese and colour is Black. He longs to be a Chess Legend.

Meh, seems simple enough.

Whilst the two may be happily married, a legacy isn’t a legacy with a few terrors.  Let’s get to the baby makin’!

I think we should give them a little privacy.

Hurrah! Success. The tell-tale sign of a squirt on its way!

Otaku: “That, or I ate really bad sushi earlier.”

Otaku, you can’t even make sushi.

I told you that you were pregnant!

Otaku: “Okay, sorry I didn’t believe you Creator.”

As you should. Now…go tell Cyl0n3!

Otaku: “Hey, Cycl0n3. I have an announcement.”

Cy: “Is it to do with your wacky wardrobe change?”

Otaku: “Yes, quite possibly. I’m pregnant.”


I… I am speechless.

Cyl0n3: “Lemme feel your tummy. Hello little one. This is your daddy. I can’t wait for you to come into the world.”


And in true sim fashion, he doesn’t have to wait long.

Cyl0n3, don’t panic, take her to the hospital!

Cyl0n3: “Right! Of course!”

Wait, Otaku, why are you giving birth on the pavement outside your house?

Where’s your husband?


Cyl0n3: “*ignores and continues reading*”

You little…

And this is where I leave you readers. What will happen next time? Will Otaku get to the hospital in time? Will Cyl0n3 get home in time to see his children’s birth? Will Cycl0n3 be useful for once? Find out next time!

Bye! J

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