Generation 1.4
Previously: Miria and Ennis became teenagers whilst Otaku and Cycl0n3's only son, Isaac, became a child. Otaku and Cycl0n3 themselves celebrated their birthdays as they aged into the Adult stage...
Welcome back.
I decided that, because it’s the Baccano! generation, I should do a parody of the opening.
Anyway, back to topic. This is the last part of this generation of That Anime Legacy.
To start this part off, Otaku decides to actually act like a housewife by picking up the kid’s toys.
Otaku: “Gah, damn kids.”
After this, Otaku held a large resentment for her children.
Breaking news: Amateur burglar breaks into Legacy house.
Two of the kids are named after petty-criminals! And let’s not forget one of them is a badass homunculus that could hand 4 men their asses!
Aww, officer! I’m sure Ennis woulda taken that burglar herself!
Burglar’s ass was whooped.
Way to go Officer!
Otaku: “Nothing… nothing… oh, Ian, your eyes are so blue and sparkly.”
Leave him alone, Otaku!
Ian: “Leave me alone, lady!”
Otaku: “Oh! Gee, I’m so sorry!”
Ian: “Okay, I believe you. Now leave me alone.”
Otaku: “No wait! Watch my impersonation of myself!”
I pressed Impersonate A Celebrity- Oh, I see what you did there.
Ian: “AHAHAHAHA! Lady, you’re really funny.”
Congrats on another promotion Otaku! You’re so close now!
Miria: “Hey, Dad… if I do this, what happens?”
Cycl0n3: “Do wha- *grips dashboard*”
Uh, Miria, sharp turns around a roundabout… might not be a good idea.
Miria: “Oh… right… sorry!”
Isaac, you’re too cute.
Isaac: “RAWR! I am a dinosaur!”
Too! Cute!
Isaac: “Yes! I’m finally becoming a teenager!”
Not bad, Isaac. Not bad. I was so tempted to give you the crazy eyebrows just because you would look exactly like Isaac with those.
His gained trait is Hates the Outdoors.
Uh… Otaku…
Is that a suitable outfit?
Otaku: “I’m a backing vocalist. What do you expect?”
???: “Hmm… honestly… I think I could end it there... but there’s not enough in quantity.”
???: “Hello. Knock knock.”
???: “What do you want, Mum?”
Mum: “I just wanted to know what you’d like for lunch.”
???: “Uh… I’m not really hungry right now. I’ll have a sandwich later. Can I go back to playing my game now?”
Mum: *sarcastically* “Sorry I interrupted.”
???: “Now… where was I?”
???: “Well… I guess it’s time to make the candidates profiles for the poll.”
Name: Ennis Anime
Reasoning of Name: Ennis from Baccano!
Traits: Absent-Minded, Easily Impressed, Childish
Favourites: Kids, Hot Dogs, Aqua
Name: Miria Anime
Reasoning of Name: Miria Harvent from Baccano!
Traits: Genius, Clumsy, Green Thumb
Zodiac: Aries
Favourites: Indie, Hamburger, Violet
Name: Isaac Anime
Reasoning of Name: Isaac Dian from Baccano!
Traits: Virtuoso, Artistic, Hates the Outdoors
Zodiac: Leo
Favourites: Indie, Cobbler, Yellow
Miria: “Hey Isaac?”
Isaac: “What’s that Miria?”
Miria: “What do you use a poll for?”
Isaac: “Well… you use a pole for sports, right? So maybe a poll is like fancy sport equipment!”
Miria: “Oh… I thought you voted on it?”
Isaac: “Don’t be silly Miria! To vote on something you’d need a Vote-Thingy-Ma-Jing.”
Miria: “Oh yeah! You’re so smart, Isaac!”
Isaac: “I know!”
Okay guys, don’t forget to vote! Thanks for sticking thus far!
Bye! J
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