Sunday, 4 December 2011

The Elderly and The Baby

Generation 2.2
Bamboo Blade
Isaac and Jean got married at the encouragement of Isaac's parents.

Welcome back to part deux of That Anime Legacy.

I’ll begin with a picture of Otaku and Cycl0n3 being as flirty as always. Seriously, cutest couple ever.

Cy: “I wish I had given you a proper wedding my sweet. That dress is beautiful.”

Otaku: “I didn’t need a big fancy wedding, because I was marrying the man I love.”

Cy: “I love you too, Otaku.”

I really do love them.

Honestly, this picture describes itself.

Cy: “Let’s get busy shall we?” *wiggles eyebrows*

W-wait. Since when did Otaku have a lip ring? What is this!?

And then after the woohoo, Cycl0n3 gives Otaku a massage.

Where can I get myself a Cycl0n3?

I found Isaac standing in his children’s future bedroom. ((It just occurred to me that none of the décor matches the walls. God damn it.))

Yo, whatcha up to Isaac?

Isaac: “Dreaming about Jean and I’s first child.”


*ahem* The honey-moon stage.

Speaks for itself really.

The tree house!? Really!?

Soon came a special day for Otaku and Cycl0n3, their birthdays, they were about to become elders.

So of course, Otaku invited her two daughters over to share the festivities.

Otaku: “Ennis! I’m so happy to see you again.”

Ennis: “Me too, Mum. I miss this house.”

Otaku: “Are you married yet?”

Miria: “N-no! But Ennis isn’t either!”

Oop, better stray from the awkward conversations.

Moving on!

Random old guy is random.

Otaku blew out her candles pretty quickly so I didn’t have time to capture that moment, I’m afraid.

However, I did capture Cycl0n3’s!

I love you Otaku, you’re so glamorous.

Otaku: “Duh.”

And so very obnoxious.

What is so fascinating about up there!? I get that there’s trophies and stuff, but really?

Cycl0n3 lookin’ good.

Jean: “WARGH!”

Whoa! Whoa! What’s the matter Jean?!


Oh my gosh, you’re right! I’m so sorry.

Jean is Flirty and Virtuoso just like her husband, she is also a bit of a Couch Potato, Handy and quite Mean-Spirited.

She’s a Libra and her favourites are Latin music, Cheesesteak and the colour white.

Her wish is to be a Rock Star.

Jean: “Thank you… NOW GIVE ME A BABY!”

Hey! There’s only one person who can do that, and he’s asleep!


No, you wake him up.

Next morning.

Jean: “Blergh. I hate this.”

This sounds like morning sickness to me, congratulations, you might be pregnant!

Jean: “Really?”

Yeah, no, I don’t know, you’ll have to wait.

Isaac, her knight in shining armour, comes to her rescue after hearing her throw her guts up.

Isaac: “Are you feeling okay?”

Jean: “I’m fine really… must be something I ate.”

But I- Huh?

Jean: “Apparently I’ve eaten a baby.”

Yes! Finally the start on generation 2!

Jean: “So when I was throwing up yesterday it meant that I was having morning sickness.”

Isaac: “So that means…?”

Good heavens boy! Did you not have sex ed class in your school!?

Jean: *sigh* “Isaac, I’m pregnant.”

Isaac: “… THAT’S GREAT!”

Isaac: “Here let me massage you and let that back ache go away.”

I want an Isaac too! Where can I get a Cycl0n3 or an Isaac… or both.

The happy couple are really excited for their new arrival.

Isaac: “Hello wittle baba! I’m your papa, call me papa please. I can’t wait for you to come out and play with me!”

Obviously expecting a child put Isaac in a great mood because he got a promotion that night.

Whoa nelly. I think you might be carrying more than one there Jean…

Jean: “Like twins? “

I wouldn’t know, ask Otaku about twins.

Jean: “Otaku had twins!?”

What did you think Ennis and Miria were? They were in the same year in high school and their birthdays were on the same day.

Jean: “Well that makes sense.”

Even in her old age, Otaku loves to make sweet music.


And that’s a wrap for part 2. Part 3 will be up shortly!

Until then, ciao!


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