Generation 2.2
Bamboo Blade
Isaac and Jean got married at the encouragement of Isaac's parents.
Welcome back to part deux of That Anime Legacy.
I’ll begin with a picture of Otaku and Cycl0n3 being as flirty as always. Seriously, cutest couple ever.
Cy: “I wish I had given you a proper wedding my sweet. That dress is beautiful.”
Otaku: “I didn’t need a big fancy wedding, because I was marrying the man I love.”
Cy: “I love you too, Otaku.”
I really do love them.
Honestly, this picture describes itself.
Cy: “Let’s get busy shall we?” *wiggles eyebrows*
W-wait. Since when did Otaku have a lip ring? What is this!?
And then after the woohoo, Cycl0n3 gives Otaku a massage.
Where can I get myself a Cycl0n3?
I found Isaac standing in his children’s future bedroom. ((It just occurred to me that none of the décor matches the walls. God damn it.))
Yo, whatcha up to Isaac?
Isaac: “Dreaming about Jean and I’s first child.”
*ahem* The honey-moon stage.
Speaks for itself really.
The tree house!? Really!?
Soon came a special day for Otaku and Cycl0n3, their birthdays, they were about to become elders.
So of course, Otaku invited her two daughters over to share the festivities.
Otaku: “Ennis! I’m so happy to see you again.”
Ennis: “Me too, Mum. I miss this house.”
Otaku: “Are you married yet?”
Miria: “N-no! But Ennis isn’t either!”
Oop, better stray from the awkward conversations.
Moving on!
Random old guy is random.
Otaku blew out her candles pretty quickly so I didn’t have time to capture that moment, I’m afraid.
However, I did capture Cycl0n3’s!
I love you Otaku, you’re so glamorous.
Otaku: “Duh.”
And so very obnoxious.
What is so fascinating about up there!? I get that there’s trophies and stuff, but really?
Cycl0n3 lookin’ good.
Jean: “WARGH!”
Whoa! Whoa! What’s the matter Jean?!
Oh my gosh, you’re right! I’m so sorry.
Jean is Flirty and Virtuoso just like her husband, she is also a bit of a Couch Potato, Handy and quite Mean-Spirited.
She’s a Libra and her favourites are Latin music, Cheesesteak and the colour white.
Her wish is to be a Rock Star.
Jean: “Thank you… NOW GIVE ME A BABY!”
Hey! There’s only one person who can do that, and he’s asleep!
No, you wake him up.
Next morning.
Jean: “Blergh. I hate this.”
This sounds like morning sickness to me, congratulations, you might be pregnant!
Jean: “Really?”
Yeah, no, I don’t know, you’ll have to wait.
Isaac, her knight in shining armour, comes to her rescue after hearing her throw her guts up.
Isaac: “Are you feeling okay?”
Jean: “I’m fine really… must be something I ate.”
But I- Huh?
Jean: “Apparently I’ve eaten a baby.”
Yes! Finally the start on generation 2!
Jean: “So when I was throwing up yesterday it meant that I was having morning sickness.”
Isaac: “So that means…?”
Good heavens boy! Did you not have sex ed class in your school!?
Jean: *sigh* “Isaac, I’m pregnant.”
Isaac: “… THAT’S GREAT!”
Isaac: “Here let me massage you and let that back ache go away.”
I want an Isaac too! Where can I get a Cycl0n3 or an Isaac… or both.
The happy couple are really excited for their new arrival.
Isaac: “Hello wittle baba! I’m your papa, call me papa please. I can’t wait for you to come out and play with me!”
Obviously expecting a child put Isaac in a great mood because he got a promotion that night.
Whoa nelly. I think you might be carrying more than one there Jean…
Jean: “Like twins? “
I wouldn’t know, ask Otaku about twins.
Jean: “Otaku had twins!?”
What did you think Ennis and Miria were? They were in the same year in high school and their birthdays were on the same day.
Jean: “Well that makes sense.”
Even in her old age, Otaku loves to make sweet music.
And that’s a wrap for part 2. Part 3 will be up shortly!
Until then, ciao!
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